The Forest of Dandaka Tree Calendar
The Forest of Dandaka Tree Calendar is a moon based calendar with the months named after trees. Below are the dates and also the “Days Out of Balance” which are traditional holidays with a twist in The Power of the Crystalline Trees.
This is roughly based on a Celtic Tree Calendar. A traditional Celtic moon calendar information can be seen here: I have changed some of the trees to better reflect Lan’s journey.
The dates change slightly as the New Moons change. Below the dates are based on the New Moons for 2018. This calendar starts on the first new moon closest to the Winter Solstice.
2018 New Moon Forest of Dandaka Calendar
Birch Moon: Dec 17-Jan 15
- Day Out of Balance: Winter Solstice (Dec 21)
Hawthorn Moon: Jan 16-Feb 14
- Day Out of Balance: First New Moon
Ash Moon: Feb 15-March 16
Alder Moon: March 17-April 14
- Day Out of Balance: Vernal Equinox (March 20)
Oak Moon: April 15-May 14
- Day Out of Balance: Beltane (May 5)
Willow Moon: May 15-June 12
Crab Apple Moon: June 13-July 11
- Day Out of Balance: Summer Solstice (June 21)
White Spruce Moon: July 12-August 10
- Day Out of Balance: Lammas (Aug 7)
Chokecherry: Aug 11-Sept 8
Aspen Moon: Sept 9-Oct 7
- Day Out of Balance: Autumnal Equinox (Sept 22)
Maple Moon: Oct 8-Nov 6
Cypress: Nov 7-Dec 6
- Day Out of Balance: Samhain (Nov 7)
Pecan Moon: Dec 7-January 4
- Day Out of Balance: Winter Solstice (Dec 21)