Calling In The 4 Directions

Calling In The 4 Directions

I call the East, the rising sun, and new beginnings. I call the winged ones and the element of air. I honor the four winds and the realm of the mind. I honor the trees of the east and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to tell the truth without blame or judgment.”

I  call the South, the midday sun, and creativity. I call the element of fire and the realm of the spirit. I honor fertility, passion, and activity. I honor the land animals and insects. I honor the trees of the south and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to show up and be present.”

I call the West, the setting sun, and transformation. I call the element of water and the realm of the heart. I honor the animals and plants that live in water. I honor flow and receptivity. I honor the trees of the west and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to pay attention to what has heart and meaning.”

I call the North, the eclipsed sun and the stillness between breaths. I call the element of earth and the realm of the body. I honor rocks, minerals, and crystals. I honor the trees of the north and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to be open, not attached, to outcome.

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