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The Visionary Invocation

The Visionary Invocation

Laird’s Invocation

May the visionaries of Earth be protected as they guide us on the path of Truth and Essence.
May this generation and all generations to come be blessed with Balance.
May all knowers of divinity be blessed with eternal Serenity. 

May all beings in all worlds be Joyful.


The Warrior Invocation

The Warrior Invocation

Dìquì’s Invocation

I call on the Rainbow Warrior, to whom death is no terror;

May courage be granted to me as bright as a crystal.

May my form be exalted,

May my will be ennobled,

May my strength be increased,

May my home stay safe,

May I complete my journey,

May my destiny be ensured to me.

(Irish prayer abridged)

Calling In The 4 Directions

Calling In The 4 Directions

I call the East, the rising sun, and new beginnings. I call the winged ones and the element of air. I honor the four winds and the realm of the mind. I honor the trees of the east and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to tell the truth without blame or judgment.”

I  call the South, the midday sun, and creativity. I call the element of fire and the realm of the spirit. I honor fertility, passion, and activity. I honor the land animals and insects. I honor the trees of the south and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to show up and be present.”

I call the West, the setting sun, and transformation. I call the element of water and the realm of the heart. I honor the animals and plants that live in water. I honor flow and receptivity. I honor the trees of the west and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to pay attention to what has heart and meaning.”

I call the North, the eclipsed sun and the stillness between breaths. I call the element of earth and the realm of the body. I honor rocks, minerals, and crystals. I honor the trees of the north and their roots, branches and trunks. I choose to be open, not attached, to outcome.

The Leader’s Invocation

The Leader’s Invocation

Cosmic Prayer for a Leader

I have seen that the accepting of Cosmic Responsibility

is the equating of my mortal self

with the power of wind and lightning

and of the morning dew

and of the seas and storms

and of the wolf song

and of stars and comets and of an autumn leaf

and of suns and solar winds.

It is the accepting of my Cosmic Power, my Godhead.

Only thus may I live a Life

that has caught the Essence, the Truth,

and will stand into eternity.

Only through total acceptance and surrender to the awesome scope of Cosmic Responsibility,

Only thus may I know that I have come to God and it is me.

(origin unknown)